Star Trek
Embrace the Dark Side!
...wait, wrong movie!
Travel via chartered bus to Torrance Barrens!
Travel via chartered bus to Torrance Barrens!
Gaze at the stars in a dark sky preserve!
Gaze at the stars in a dark sky preserve!
Enjoy activities and play games in the dark!
Enjoy activities and play games in the dark!
per person.$10.00
Relax under the stars!
Relax under the stars!
- Beautiful view of the night sky!
- Telescopes provided!
- Complementary hot chocolate!
Fun in the dark!
Fun in the dark!
- Flashlight hide-and-seek
- Glow stick scavenger hunt
- Sparklers & Long-exposure photography
A Trip to the Torrance Barrens Nature Reserve
A Trip to the Torrance Barrens Nature Reserve
The oldest Designated Dark-Sky Preserve in Canada, complete with beautiful scenery!
The oldest Designated Dark-Sky Preserve in Canada, complete with beautiful scenery!
Friday, April 1st, 2022
Friday, April 1st, 2022
07:45 PM: Chartered bus departs from the Lakehead University (Orillia) bus stop.
11:00 PM: Chartered bus returns to the same bus stop (on campus) at 11:00 PM.